Monthly Archives: July 2021

September 1, 2021 – VA Bred Stakes and 2019-2020 VTA Awards Presentations

September 1st: Virginia-Bred Stakes Day Picnic
& VTA Year End Awards Celebration
Don’t miss the last race card of the 2021 Colonial meet,
including our 5 Virginia-Bred/Sired Stakes.
Join us for a Picnic Lunch
in the General Admission Tent.
Between races help us celebrate
the 2019 and 2020 VTA Year End Champions!
Complimentary lunch begins at 1:00 PM
Post time is 1:45 PM

August 30 – Secretariat Day at Colonial Downs

Secretariat Day at the Races
Monday, August 30 | Colonial Downs


Ticketing is now open for the upcoming Secretariat Day at the Races , Monday August 30 at Colonial Downs racetrack!


Join Kate Tweedy, Leeanne Ladin, Jocelyn Russell and the team on for all the action taking place at the track in New Kent, Virginia. Big Red fans near and far are invited to join this festive gathering for an exploratory conversation to commemorate Secretariat with his own bronze statue in Virginia, his birth state.


CLICK HERE for more information

2021-2022 Call for Nominations to the VTA Board of Directors – Closes August 30

Are you, or a VTA member you know, interested in joining the VTA Board?
The Virginia Thoroughbred Association Board of Directors is comprised of 16 members. Directors are elected for two-year terms, and half of the Board is elected annually.
Board members are expected to attend bi-monthly Board meetings and to participate in VTA events.
If you would like to submit a name for the VTA Board, please respond at the link below, or feel free to contact a member of the Nominating Committee by August 30th:
Cindy Curtis – (540) 270-2717
Donna Dennehy – (804) 798-7216
Brooke Royster – (540) 832-0806
For questions, contact Debbie Easter at (434) 977-3716.

August 31 – Virginia Derby Day

August 31st: Virginia Derby Day
Enjoy Derby Day racing and lunch on Colonial Down’s 4th floor. Horsemen will have access to Sky Suites 4 & 5 with a luncheon served in the ballroom. A $75.00 charge includes your admission, meal and drinks, plus you will have all day suite access to view the races.
(Tickets are limited so make reservations promptly.)

August 22 – Virginia HBPA, VTA & Colonial Downs 11th Annual Shannon Campbell and Permanently Disabled Jockeys’ Fund Benefit Golf Tournament

Virginia HBPA, VTA & Colonial Downs
11th Annual Shannon Campbell and Permanently Disabled Jockeys’ Fund Golf Tournament
Sunday, August 22 | 1 p.m.
Brickshire Golf Club, New Kent

To register or to sponsor a hole, contact:
Frank Petramalo, Executive Director, VHBPA
703-999-7491 |  

CLICK HERE for more information